About Me
Magdalena Wojtaszek
About Me
Transformation Through Realisation
Welcome to my Reality! Something has clearly brought you here and I am very grateful for your presence. It gives me an opportunity to tell you a little bit more about myself, who I am and what I do.

Magdalena Wojtaszek
My name is Magdalena. I am a fairly normal person who enjoys life and everything that it brings, little things and big things, blessings and downfalls. I love blessings but I also love downfalls, as those are really the ones which tell me a lot about myself. If you had met me a few years ago you would face a perfect example of someone who was really detached from a reality and who was very efficient in generating dramas. I used to live life in my head disconnected from my body, being in the past or in the future but almost never here and now, interpreting situations through the lenses of my own insecurities and my own limitations. I used to live in a glass box looking at the world and not really seeing what was there. The walls of the box were made from my beliefs, habits, conditioning, opinions of others, traumas, family baggage and who knows what else. It was a very small box which didn’t give me much space to breathe and definitely not much space to relax. It was just how I perceived my life. I suppose back then it was all I knew and for a long time I thought that this is how it should be.
I only realised how small the box was when I started feeling very uncomfortable in my own reality. I noticed that very often I was in an auto mode and I reacted to people and situations in a way which wasn’t necessary and what was worse I couldn’t understand why I was doing it. It felt like I wasn’t in control of my own life but I was more like a puppet with emotional strings dragging me all over the place. This led me to quite significant anxiety, panic attacks, high blood pressure, stomach problems and other psychosomatic symptoms. Most importantly however, this also prompted me to start looking for a change and to look very carefully into lessons I was about to learn about myself and life in general.
And this is when my true journey began. It started in the darkness of my own feelings and turned into a very beautiful exploration of life. The journey of taking responsibility for my own existence. The journey into the inner depths of my psyche, of understanding who I am, what my triggers are, why I attract certain things in life and why I seem to be constantly in a state of inner fight, jeopardising my happiness, my relationships, pushing people away and falling into the same old, broken patterns. It is not an easy journey but it is well worth undertaking, just to feel the freedom of who I really am and to trust that whatever life brings my way it is always for a reason and I can always learn something from it.

I invite you to join me on this journey to find out who you are. Close your eyes, take a couple of deep breaths in and honestly answer a few questions: ‘Who am I? Who do I want to become? What is my vision of the future? Is something blocking me from achieving what I want? What part of me needs attention? What am I afraid of?’. Please allow yourself to focus your attention on YOU, be honest with yourself, give yourself permission to feel. The story of your life is about YOU. This story is about YOU. Don’t live in a box limiting you from achieving what you want. Life is much more than that.
Make it count, make it worthwhile and make it a good one. And I would love to meet you on your path and support you in the best way I can….
PS. I am a certified Hypnotherapist, Regression Therapist, Reiki Master and SBF Practitioner. All the therapies I am offering I tested on myself. They helped me to become who I am today. I strongly believe they work and can be hugely beneficial in supporting change.
OM SO HUM – I am a part of the Universe and you are the same as I am, we are connected to the Infinite Source, the Source of All That Is which has no boundaries and no limits