Magdalena Wojtaszek

Cord Cutting

How it works?

Cutting cords is an energetic process of cutting negative and fear-based attachments between two people, or between a person and an institution, object, or past situation which remains in the present. These energetic ties can block your energy, vitality and well-being. They have a way of keeping those attached in a holding pattern, where the past challenges continue to repeat into the present.

Cords of attachment bring old emotions into new interactions, and can leave those who have them attached feeling frustrated, tired, drained, irritated and stuck.

The potential impact of negative energetic cords can be:

When you cut and release a cord into the light, you’re no longer energetically engaged with that pattern of negativity and your personal energetic shift, can have a positive ripple effect on many, many others.

This technique can assist you in making significant changes in your health, well-being and life in general.