Past Life Regression
Magdalena Wojtaszek
Past Life Regression
Have you ever met someone for the first time and felt as if you know them already? Have you ever visited a place that you’ve never been before, yet you recognize your surroundings? Or maybe you started a new activity and amazed yourself at your natural abilities and intuitive knowing of it? We often describe such experiences as déjà vu (a feeling of already being in the present situation). Indeed, there is a possibility that you have actually lived these experiences before but in another lifetime hence your intuitive knowing, recognition, a sense of difficult to explain familiarity. As crazy as it may sound to some of us, we do remember way more than our mind can comprehend.
What is it?
Past Life Regression is a form of hypnotherapy which takes an individual back through time to their previous lives/incarnations by accessing information stored in their cellular memory and in their subconscious mind. These stored memories can sometimes affect our current life either physically, emotionally or in some cases both. Irrational behaviours or fears, unexplained reactions or sensations in your body, heavy weight on your shoulders, tight knot in your belly, struggle to achieve your goals, having an impression that there is something blocking your from moving forward – all of these can have a source in the events which happened way before you were born.

How Past Life Regression can help you?
People have a wide range of reasons for exploring past lives, many are looking for answers that may relate to unexplained events in their current lives and some are simply curious. Here are a few areas where regression may help:
- Physical illness/asthma
- Irrational fears and phobias
- Irrational thoughts and behaviours
- Beliefs
- Habits
- Depression
- Recurring dreams/nightmares
- Healing unresolved, deeply felt emotions
- Unusual birthmarks
- Relationship issues or patterns
- Connections to places/people/historical events
- Weight issues
Regardless of your belief system, past life regression can be a fascinating, insightful and empowering experience. By bringing what was stored in your subconscious mind to the surface of your awareness, past life regression gives you an opportunity to explain what couldn’t be explained or understood before. It also gives you an opportunity to process events, release emotions and free yourself from anything that is holding you back. By applying wisdom and insight learned, acknowledging and embracing the key lessons you can stop being ‘stuck in time’ and can move towards transformation you want to see in your current life. When used as a part of a therapeutic programme, it has the potential to bring about a truly profound healing.