Magdalena Wojtaszek

Inner Child Therapy

How it works?

Inner Child Therapy focuses on the core beliefs (conscious or unconscious) that we hold about ourselves, about others and about the world around us. These beliefs in a form of sensations (energetic messages from our mother) can already be formed in a womb or can be learned during our early childhood when we are young and do not possess the ability to determine whether the information we are basing our beliefs on is correct or not.


Types of beliefs

Depending on whether we had stable or difficult upbringing different types of beliefs got programmed in our brains:

  • positive (supporting our journey through adult life), like ‘I am amazing’, ‘Money comes to me easily and effortlessly’, ‘I am worthy of everything that’s best’ etc.
  • negative (sabotaging our path without us realising it), like I’m not good enough’, ‘I can’t get anything right’, ‘No one can be trusted’ etc.

All the beliefs learned during childhood remain with us and often continue to be active without our conscious awareness. It would be great if all of them could be positive however for most of us unfortunately this is not the case. Negative (limiting) beliefs cause difficulty in our lives as they affect our decision making, self-esteem, relationships and more. As they are stored in our subconscious mind, living life with them can be quite confusing.

As adults we face a ‘conflict’ between our logical mind telling us to go forward and our emotions and behaviours running in the background and pulling us backwards. We become a puppet with strings of insecurity, lack of love, fear of abandonment etc. attached to us and throwing us all over the place. The strings come from our childhood and represent needs which were not met where we were young. This is a call to pay attention. If you ever thought ‘I know I shouldn’t feel/think/do this… but I can’t help it”?’ that’s your subconscious mind representing your inner child calling. Ultimately whether we like it or not we end up in a fight between our inner child and our logical mind.

It is with great sadness I must say that the power of the strings is far greater than our conscious approach to life.

Inner Child Therapy is a powerful and highly transformative therapy which can help you to reparent your Inner Child in order to regain your power. Through a variety of techniques, we go back to the source of the issue instead of treating the symptoms alone. By going back to the root cause of the problem using Current Life Regression we seek to understand its meaning in order to heal, reframe and transform.

Inner child Therapy involves finding a union between your inner child and your adult self. You will be assisted in accessing the specific information, through your unconscious mind, that enables you to get to the root cause of any ongoing problems and unwanted behaviours.

Inner Child Therapy allows you to develop an understanding of how and why problems have developed and how to resolve the mistaken beliefs that are holding you back from being your true self and living the life that you are meant to.

Inner Child Therapy can help with:

If your inner child is crying it is to pass you a message. Listen carefully. See it, hear it, hold it in your arms, love it tenderly like the most precious thing in the whole world. It is your foundation; it is a big part of adult you and deserves your full attention.